Thursday, February 23, 2012

Shot List

Shot #          Duration          Description
1                   1.6 seconds      "words have power"
2                  1.7 seconds       "they can build new

3                 1.7 seconds        "or destroy lives"

4                 2 seconds           "they can hurt"

5                1.73 seconds       "or they can heal"

6               2.3 seconds          "they can be used to
                                              spread hate"

7               2 seconds            "or to spread love"

8              1.73 seconds        "words have power"

9             2 seconds             "whether written"

10          1.73 seconds         "spoken"

11           1.9 seconds          "texted or e-mailed"

12          1.93 seconds         "or Facebook

13         1.57 seconds         "words have power"

14         2.33 seconds         "and though the
                                           pain does not
                                           always show"

15         2.17 seconds         "words can hurt
                                           just as much"

16        2.23 seconds         "as sticks and
                                          stones can"

17       2.3 seconds            "words have power"

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