Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Final Project Proposal

My final project will be mostly independent work. I will be revising my original book, Life on the Sticks: Volume One, and combing it with my proposed Volume Two stories. I will also be adding images to this new edition, which will photographs that I have taken over the years and that will help explain some parts of the stories. I will be using my family as my editors, and they have already begun helping me reading Volume One and providing suggestions on how it can be approved. In addition to my Life in the Stick project I will also be making my own "look book." My look book will contain quotes, book passages, song lyrics, my own thoughts and memories, photographs that I have taken, artwork, etc. I hope to have both of these projects completed by the end of April so that I may get them published, printed, and receive copies before the end of the semester.

Life in the Sticks

My book Life in the Sticks: Volume One has arrived and has been read by my family. They have given me several suggestions for improvement, such as more descriptive details in the stories. I now have the book and have began reading it myself to see what improvements I find need to be made. I also have started going through my thousands of photographs to find the ones that I want for illustrating the new version I am working on. Also I have began writing the stories for Volume Two, which I may just combine with the Volume One revision along with the illustration photographs.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Look Book

My look book is basically going to be a collection of quotes I like, book passages, song lyrics, photos I've taken, art work, thoughts, stories, etc. I'll be combining the various materials into collage style pages which will make up the look book.

End of the Semester Projects

I am currently finishing compiling quotes for my look book as well as finding and readying images for my look book and my illustrated version of Life in the Sticks: Volume 1. Right now I have a good percentage of my quotes for the look book and almost all of my subject ideas for Life in the Sticks: Volume 2. Also, my family just finished reading Life in the Sticks: Volume 1, so I will be taking their feedback when I see them this weekend and putting it to use in perfecting Volume 1, as well as listening to any ideas they have for Volume 2.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Life in the Sticks

If you are looking for a entertaining collection of memories about living in a small town then check out my book Life in the Sticks: Volume One at lulu.com (e-book version) and the print version with a full preview.  I am currently working on Volume Two.